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  • 如何组织SOC各个模块的运行,最简单直接的应该就是处理器按照时钟运行,其他绝大多数单元都被动的接受处理器的访问即可。
  • 如何组织指令集及译码,即找到一个比较简单的从指令码到指令实现的管理方式,并且指令集管理应该具有比较好的扩展性。
  • 如何组织寄存器
  • 如何管理地址,是否需要MMU及总线的抽象,如何使处理器发出的虚拟地址能够正确高效的访问到目的设备
  • 应该有一定的调试功能,能够显示指令流,甚至单步调试,查看一些寄存器状态
  • 怎样实现printf打印,这会对目标代码的调试非常有帮助
  • 怎样让模拟器停下来






  • disasm 从名称上来看是反汇编,实际内容是根据指令码组装反汇编字符串,应该是为了debug和显示指令流
  • fdt 扁平设备树,猜测设备树是它用来实现SOC配置的方式,我很赞同这种方式,感觉比gem5的python方式要更好
  • fesvr 这个命名不太好理解,是源于Frontend Server的缩写。它包含一些与riscv无关的构成模拟器的组件,SOC组件的一些基础抽象,以及模拟器的运行管理。它实现了一个模拟器的大框架。这样来看,它的命名似乎还挺合理。
  • riscv 其中的insns目录中是riscv指令集的实现,剩下的是SOC的具体实现
  • softfloat 浮点库,来自于IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic Packag
  • spike-main 模拟器程序入口




sim的核心是processor,processor中实现了对通用寄存器,指令集寄存器的管理,同时,将vector单元单独进行了管理。另外,也对指令进行了抽象和管理,它包含了整个指令处理的逻辑。 abstract_device_t 主要用来实现内存设备。而且这些内存设备的完全是被动响应的,需要cpu访问来带动。 bus_t 用来管理这些内存设备的地址。 device_t 用来实现一些用于交互的设备,用来处理一些tohost命令。 context 用来实现CPU和host两个用户线程的切换






main flow












mstatus.MPRV & MXR & MPP

The MPRV (Modify PRiVilege) bit modifies the privilege level at which loads and stores exe￾cute. When MPRV=0, loads and stores behave as normal, using the translation and protection mechanisms of the current privilege mode. When MPRV=1, load and store memory addresses are translated and protected, and endianness is applied, as though the current privilege mode were set to MPP. Instruction address-translation and protection are unaffected by the setting of MPRV. MPRV is hardwired to 0 if U-mode is not supported. An MRET or SRET instruction that changes the privilege mode to a mode less privileged than M also sets MPRV=0. The MXR (Make eXecutable Readable) bit modifies the privilege with which loads access virtual memory. When MXR=0, only loads from pages marked readable (R=1 in Figure 4.17) will succeed. When MXR=1, loads from pages marked either readable or executable (R=1 or X=1) will succeed. MXR has no effect when page-based virtual memory is not in effect. MXR is hardwired to 0 if S-mode is not supported. The MPRV and MXR mechanisms were conceived to improve the efficiency of M-mode routines that emulate missing hardware features, e.g., misaligned loads and stores. MPRV obviates the need to perform address translation in software. MXR allows instruction words to be loaded from pages marked execute-only. The current privilege mode and the privilege mode specified by MPP might have different XLEN settings. When MPRV=1, load and store memory addresses are treated as though the current XLEN were set to MPP’s XLEN, following the rules in Section The xPP fields can only hold privilege modes up to x, so MPP is two bits wide and SPP is one bit wide. xPP fields are WARL fields that can hold only privilege mode x and any implemented privilege mode lower than x. If privilege mode x is not implemented, then xPP must be hardwired to 0. M-mode software can determine whether a privilege mode is implemented by writing that mode to MPP then reading it back. If the machine provides only U and M modes, then only a single hardware storage bit is required to represent either 00 or 11 in MPP.


tvm bits

The TVM (Trap Virtual Memory) bit supports intercepting supervisor virtual-memory management operations. When TVM=1, attempts to read or write the satp CSR or execute the SFENCE.VMA instruction while executing in S-mode will raise an illegal instruction exception. When TVM=0, these operations are permitted in S-mode. TVM is hard-wired to 0 when S-mode is not supported. The TVM mechanism improves virtualization efficiency by permitting guest operating systems to execute in S-mode, rather than classically virtualizing them in U-mode. This approach obviates the need to trap accesses to most S-mode CSRs. Trapping satp accesses and the SFENCE.VMA instruction provides the hooks necessary to lazily populate shadow page tables.



A virtual address va is translated into a physical address pa as follows: 1. Let a be satp.ppn × PAGESIZE, and let i = LEVELS S 1. (For Sv32, PAGESIZE=212 and LEVELS=2.) 2. Let pte be the value of the PTE at address a+va.vpn[i]×PTESIZE. (For Sv32, PTESIZE=4.) If accessing pte violates a PMA or PMP check, raise an access-fault exception corresponding to the original access type. 3. If pte.v = 0, or if pte.r = 0 and pte.w = 1, stop and raise a page-fault exception corresponding to the original access type. 76 Volume II: RISC-V Privileged Architectures V1.12-draft 4. Otherwise, the PTE is valid. If pte.r = 1 or pte.x = 1, go to step 5. Otherwise, this PTE is a pointer to the next level of the page table. Let i = i ⟩ 1. If i < 0, stop and raise a page-fault exception corresponding to the original access type. Otherwise, let a = pte.ppn × PAGESIZE and go to step 2. 5. A leaf PTE has been found. Determine if the requested memory access is allowed by the pte.r, pte.w, pte.x, and pte.u bits, given the current privilege mode and the value of the SUM and MXR fields of the mstatus register. If not, stop and raise a page-fault exception corresponding to the original access type. 6. If i > 0 and pte.ppn[i ⟩ 1 : 0] = 0, this is a misaligned superpage; stop and raise a page-fault exception corresponding to the original access type. 7. If pte.a = 0, or if the memory access is a store and pte.d = 0, either raise a page-fault exception corresponding to the original access type, or: • Set pte.a to 1 and, if the memory access is a store, also set pte.d to 1. • If this access violates a PMA or PMP check, raise an access-fault exception corresponding to the original access type. • This update and the loading of pte in step 2 must be atomic; in particular, no intervening store to the PTE may be perceived to have occurred in-between. 8. The translation is successful. The translated physical address is given as follows: • pa.pgoff = va.pgoff. • If i > 0, then this is a superpage translation and pa.ppn[i ⟩ 1 : 0] = va.vpn[i ⟩ 1 : 0]. • pa.ppn[LEVELS S 1 : i] = pte.ppn[LEVELS S 1 : i]



