class Registry {
{field} -std::string name_;
{field} -PackedFunc func_;
{field} +struct Manager;
{method} +TVM_DLL Registry& set_body(PackedFunc f);
{method} +Registry& set_body(PackedFunc::FType f);
{method} +TVM_DLL static Registry& Register(const std::string& name, bool override = false);
{method} +TVM_DLL static const PackedFunc* Get(const std::string& name);
class PackedFunc {
{field} -FType body_;
+using FType = std::function<void (TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv)>;
{method} +explicit PackedFunc(FType body) : body_(body) {}
{method} +template<typename... Args>
inline TVMRetValue operator()(Args&& ...args) const;
{method} +inline void CallPacked(TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) const;
class manager {
{field} +std::unordered_map<std::string, Registry*> fmap;
{method} +static Manager* Global();
Registry --> PackedFunc
Registry --> manager
python中,get_global_func 调用_LIB.TVMFuncGetGlobal来获取PackedFunc指针,然后将其作为handle实例化Function
class Function(_FunctionBase):
class FunctionBase(object):
def __init__(self, handle, is_global):
self.handle = handle
self.is_global = is_global
def __call__(self, *args):
temp_args = []
values, tcodes, num_args = _make_tvm_args(args, temp_args)
ret_val = TVMValue()
ret_tcode = ctypes.c_int()
if _LIB.TVMFuncCall(
self.handle, values, tcodes, ctypes.c_int(num_args),
ctypes.byref(ret_val), ctypes.byref(ret_tcode)) != 0:
raise get_last_ffi_error()
_ = temp_args
_ = args
return RETURN_SWITCH[ret_tcode.value](ret_val)
inline void PackedFunc::CallPacked(TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) const {
body_(args, rv);
def _load_lib():
"""Load libary by searching possible path."""
lib_path = libinfo.find_lib_path()
lib = ctypes.CDLL(lib_path[0], ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
# DMatrix functions
lib.TVMGetLastError.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
return lib, os.path.basename(lib_path[0])
# version number
__version__ = libinfo.__version__
# library instance of nnvm
_LIB, _LIB_NAME = _load_lib()
- All TVM’s compiler pass functions are exposed to frontend as PackedFunc, see here
- The compiled module also returns the compiled function as PackedFunc
relay¶¶ returns three components:
- the execution graph in json format
- the TVM module library of compiled functions specifically for this graph on the target hardware
- the parameter blobs of the model
about optimization
During the compilation, Relay does the graph-level optimization while TVM does the tensor-level optimization, resulting in an optimized runtime module for model serving.
about tvm schedule
TVM asks the user to provide a description of the computation called a schedule. A schedule is a set of transformation of computation that transforms the loop of computations in the program
(relay python frontend) as rpf
note right
@目录 python/tvm/relay/frontend/
end note
rectangle model-formats {
(MXNet) -down-> rpf: relay.frontend.from_mxnet
(TensorFlow) -down->rpf: relay.frontend.from_tensorflow
(CoreML) -down->rpf: relay.frontend.from_coreml
(ONNX) -down->rpf: relay.frontend.from_onnx
(***) -down->rpf: relay.frontend.from_***
rpf -down-> (mod): output
note left
@包含了funcs的全局的relay module
@目录 python/tvm/relay/
@module 本质上也是一个node
@每一个global func 都通过一个唯一的
end note
rpf -down-> (params): output
note left
@dict of str to NDArray
Input parameters to the graph
that do not change during inference time.
@Used for constant folding.
end note
(mod) -down-> (func): mod[mod.entry_func]
note left
@A function declaration expression
@继承于Expr, Expr 是RelayNode的子类
end note
( as rb
(target) as target
note right
{"aocl", "aocl_sw_emu", "c",
"cuda", "ext_dev", "hybrid",
"llvm", "metal", "nvptx", "opencl",
"opengl", "rocm", "sdaccel",
"stackvm", "vulkan"}
end note
target -left-> rb: input
(target_host) as th
note left: can be:cuda
th -> rb: input
(func) -down-> rb: input
(params) -down-> rb: input
rb -down-> (graph): output
rb -down-> (lib): output
rb -down-> (-params): output
(graph_runtime.create) as grc
(graph) -down-> grc: input
(lib) -down-> grc: input
(ctx: tvm.cpu0) -> grc: input
grc -down-> (runtime): output
(runtime.setinput) as rs
(-params) -down-> rs: input
(image data) -down-> rs: input
(runtime) -down-> rs: runtime method
( as rr
(runtime.getoutput) as rg
rs -> rr: runtime method
rr -> rg: runtime method
(python/tvm/relay/\n\n build) as ptrbb
rectangle input {
entity func
entity target
entity target_host
entity params
func .down-> ptrbb: input
target .down-> ptrbb: input
target_host .down-> ptrbb: input
params .down-> ptrbb: input
(python/tvm/relay/\n\n as bmb
(src/relay/backend/\n\n RelayBuildModule.SetParam) as rbmsp
(src/relay/backend/\n\n RelayBuildModule.Build) as rbmb
(src/relay/backend/\n\n RelayBuildModule.BuildRelay) as rbmbr
ptrbb -right-> bmb: func, target, target_host, params
bmb -right-> rbmsp: params
rbmsp -down-> rbmb: func, target, target_host
rbmb -left-> rbmbr: in RelayBuildModule
(src/relay/backend/\n\n RelayBuildModule.BindParamsByName) as rbmbpbn
(src/relay/backend/\n\n RelayBuildModule.Optimize) as rbmo
(relay::ModuleNode::FromExpr creat a relay::module) as rmfe
rbmbr -left-> rbmbpbn: func, params
rbmbpbn -down-> rmfe: func
rmfe -right-> rbmo: "relay::Module, target, params"
(src/relay/backend/\n\n new a GraphCodegen) as nag
rbmo -right-> nag
(src/relay/backend/\n\n GraphRuntimeCodegenModule.init) as grcmi
(src/relay/backend/\n\n GraphRuntimeCodegenModule.codegen) as grcmc
nag -down-> grcmi: target
grcmi -left-> grcmc: func
(src/codegen/\n\n tvm::build) as tb
rectangle output {
entity "graph" as graph
entity "new params" as np
entity "mod" as mod
grcmc .down-> graph: output
grcmc .down-> np: output
grcmc -left-> tb: LowerFunc, target_host
tb .down-> mod: output
# tvm/tutorials/frontend/
def from_mxnet(symbol,
mod = _module.Module()
func = _from_mxnet_impl(symbol, shape, dtype, mod)
mod["main"] = func
return mod, params
# python/tvm/relay/
class Module(RelayNode):
def __init__(self, functions=None, type_definitions=None):
self.__init_handle_by_constructor__(_make.Module, functions, type_definitions)
_make.Module是获取了c++实现的一个Module构建方法。_init_api将c++中的global_func按照模块动态组成了python中各个模块的方法。_init_api 主要调用了_init_api_prefix来实现功能,其中get_global_func返回了一个Function实例, Function继承于FunctionBase,其中实现了__call__方法,所以Python中module类的方法中可以通过类似_module.Module_ContainGlobalVar(self, var)的操作来实现对c++的调用
# python/tvm/relay/
_init_api("relay._make", __name__)
# python/tvm/_ffi/
def _init_api_prefix(module_name, prefix):
for name in list_global_func_names():
f = get_global_func(name)
ff = _get_api(f)
ff.__name__ = fname
setattr(target_module, ff.__name__, ff)
def get_global_func(name, allow_missing=False):
handle = FunctionHandle()
check_call(_LIB.TVMFuncGetGlobal(c_str(name), ctypes.byref(handle)))
if handle.value:
return Function(handle, False)
class Function(_FunctionBase):
class FunctionBase(object):
def __call__(self, *args):
if _LIB.TVMFuncCall(
self.handle, values, tcodes, ctypes.c_int(num_args),
ctypes.byref(ret_val), ctypes.byref(ret_tcode)) != 0:
raise get_last_ffi_error()
return RETURN_SWITCH[ret_tcode.value](ret_val)
// src/relay/ir/
Module ModuleNode::make(tvm::Map<GlobalVar, Function> global_funcs,
tvm::Map<GlobalTypeVar, TypeData> global_type_defs)
# python/tvm/_ffi/_ctypes/
def __init_handle_by_constructor__(fconstructor, args):
if _LIB.TVMFuncCall(
fconstructor.handle, values, tcodes, ctypes.c_int(num_args),
ctypes.byref(ret_val), ctypes.byref(ret_tcode)) != 0:
return RETURN_SWITCH[ret_tcode.value](ret_val)
RETURN_SWITCH[TypeCode.FUNC_HANDLE] = _handle_return_func
RETURN_SWITCH[TypeCode.MODULE_HANDLE] = _return_module
# python/tvm/_ffi/_ctypes/
TypeCode.INT: lambda x: x.v_int64,
TypeCode.FLOAT: lambda x: x.v_float64,
TypeCode.HANDLE: _return_handle,
TypeCode.NULL: lambda x: None,
TypeCode.STR: lambda x: py_str(x.v_str),
TypeCode.BYTES: _return_bytes,
TypeCode.TVM_CONTEXT: _return_context
创建完成modudle实例之后,_from_mxnet_impl 遍历了原始graph的node, 根据op名称的不同,填充不同的expr实例到node_map 并且把最终输出节点对应的Function实例返回,module实例的'main'节点安装为该func
# python/tvm/relay/frontend/
def _from_mxnet_impl(symbol, shape_dict, dtype_info, mod=None):
jgraph = json.loads(symbol.tojson())
jnodes = jgraph["nodes"]
node_map = {}
for nid, node in enumerate(jnodes):
if op_name == "null":
node_map[nid] = [_expr.var(node_name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype)]
elif op_name in _convert_map:
res = _convert_map[op_name](children, attrs)
outputs = [node_map[e[0]][e[1]] for e in jgraph["heads"]]
func = _expr.Function(analysis.free_vars(outputs), outputs)
return func
其中_convert_map是relay 的 mxnet前端准备好的一个字典,记录着每个op对应的relay的表达。null node代表占位/变量或者输入节点,被实例化为Var(A local variable in Relay)
# python/tvm/relay/
class Var(Expr):
def __init__(self, name_hint, type_annotation=None):
_make.Var, name_hint, type_annotation)
class Expr(RelayNode):
def __call__(self, *args):
return Call(self, args)
class Call(Expr):
def __init__(self, op, args, attrs=None, type_args=None):
if not type_args:
type_args = []
_make.Call, op, args, attrs, type_args)
通过调用 relay.build_module._BuildModule 创建RelayBuildModule,该函数返回一个c++的Module类实例, 在python端转换该实例为Pthon Module类实例(_init_api()接口中会进行处理)
// src/relay/backend/
runtime::Module RelayBuildCreate() {
std::shared_ptr<RelayBuildModule> exec = std::make_shared<RelayBuildModule>();
return runtime::Module(exec);
# python/tvm/
python中 class Module对应于c++中的class Module, ModuleBase 提供了__getitem__方法,可以使得 module[func_string] 能够调用到c++中的ModuleNode对应的function.
# python/tvm/
class Module(ModuleBase):
# python/tvm/_ffi/
class ModuleBase(object):
def get_function(self, name, query_imports=False):
ret_handle = FunctionHandle()
self.handle, c_str(name),
return Function(ret_handle, False)
def __getitem__(self, name):
if not isinstance(name, string_types):
raise ValueError("Can only take string as function name")
return self.get_function(name)
// src/runtime/
int TVMModGetFunction(TVMModuleHandle mod,
const char* func_name,
int query_imports,
TVMFunctionHandle *func) {
PackedFunc pf = static_cast<Module*>(mod)->GetFunction(
func_name, query_imports != 0);
*func = new PackedFunc(pf);
// include/tvm/runtime/packed_func.h
inline PackedFunc Module::GetFunction(const std::string& name, bool query_imports) {
PackedFunc pf = node_->GetFunction(name, node_);
return pf;
(host module\nclass tvm::runtime::Module) as hm
(device module\nclass tvm::runtime::Module) as dm
(param \n以graph中的node的name为key的参数字典) as param
(graph \n包含所有node的json表达) as graph
[] --> dm
hm --> (runtime Init): input
dm <-- hm : call
(param) --> (runtime Init): input
(graph) --> (runtime Init): input
# python/tvm/relay/
class BuildModule(object):
def __init__(self):
self.mod = _build_module._BuildModule()
self._build = self.mod["build"]
def build(self, func, target=None, target_host=None, params=None):
self._build(func, target, target_host)
RelayBuildModule 的 build, 必须要注意的是,Module 和 ModuleNode 存在于多个命名空间中,要注意区分,这里返回的是包含 runtime::ModuleNode 的 runtime::Module
class RelayBuildModule : public runtime::ModuleNode {
PackedFunc GetFunction(const std::string& name,
const std::shared_ptr<ModuleNode>& sptr_to_self) final {
if (name == "build") {
return PackedFunc([sptr_to_self, this](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue* rv) {
this->Build(args[0], args[1], args[2]);